29 research outputs found

    John Locke on Civil Society and Religious Tolerance

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    This study aims to elaborate the thoughts of John Locke on civil society and religious tolerance. This would be a useful way to think the conflict specifically the religious conflict. This study tended to use library research. It considers all Locke’s sources which was available in online and offline library. The researcher used Skinner’s contextual reading to analyse Locke’s ideas. The main finding is Locke’s civil society seems to be a continuation from family life to society life. According to Locke, family has an important role to set their children having democratic or tyrannical character. If parents nourish their children by consent, it is established children’s minds to think that people need to appreciate others’ ideas and wills. Therefore, the perfect democratic government would emergence by consent of all democratic men. The democratic condition will create a civil society and further producing the society based on religious tolerance. This article would remind that the civil society and the religious tolerance are the basic needs to pursue a peace. Keywords: civil society, religious tolerance, John Locke, classical thinke

    Trem di Pasuruan akhir abad XIX dan potensinya sebagai media pembelajaran sejarah

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    This study aims to describe the tram in Pasuruan in the late 19th century and its potential as a media for learning history. The authors use historical research methods which are divided into five stages, namely topic selection, source collection, historical criticism, interpretation and historiography. The results of this study show that the construction and operation of trams was one of the solutions of the Dutch government to transportation problems related to the transportation and distribution of plantation products in the Pasuruan region at the end of the 19th century.  The existence of trams in Pasuruan was considered to be able to solve the deadlock of mass transportation in Pasuruan. As an effort to attract students' interest in learning, the historical content of trams in Pasuruan at the end of the 19th century was able to be packaged using a variety of interesting technology-based learning media including Infographics, documentaries, animated videos, Comics, Educational Ladder Snakes. Researchers also offer other learning media, namely LEACO (Qr-Code-based Leaflet). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan trem di Pasuruan akhir abad XIX dan potensinya sebagai media pembelajaran sejarah. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah yang dibagi menjadi lima tahapan yakni pemilihan topik, pengumpulan sumber, kritik sejarah, interprestasi dan historiografi. Hasil dari kajian ini menunjukan bahwa pembangunan dan pengoperasian trem merupakan salah satu solusi dari pemerintah Belanda terhadap permasalahan transportasi terkait pengangkutan dan pendistribusian barang hasil perkebunan di wilayah Pasuruan pada akhir abad XIX.  Keberadaan trem di Pasuruan dianggap mampu memecahkan terkait kebuntuan angkutan massal di Pasuruan. Sebagai upaya untuk menarik minat belajar siswa, konten sejarah trem di Pasuruan akhir abad XIX dapat dikemas menggunakan berbagai media pembelajaran yang menarik berbasis teknologi meliputi Infografis, film dokumenter, video animasi, Komik, Ular Tangga Edukatif. Peneliti juga menawarkan media pembelajaran lainnya yaitu LEACO (Leaflet berbasis Qr-Code)

    R.G. Collingwood dalam Idealisme Historis

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    Abstrak. Robin George Collingwood adalah seorang filsuf dan sejarawan dari Inggris. Dia berupaya untuk memisahkan bagaimana memahami kejadian alam dan historis dengan baik. Dia berasumsi bahwa keduanya memiliki karakter yang berbeda. Proses pencariannya tersebut telah membawanya pada salah satu cara dalam mendekati sejarah. Dia melihat bahwa sejarah tidak akan dapat dipahami tanpa menggambarkan kembali pemikiran-pemikiran pelaku atau seorang tokoh sejarah dalam suatu narasi. Pemikirannya tersebut tentu saja bercorak idealisme historis sebagai hasil akumulasi kecenderungan filsafat di zamannya yang berusaha mengawinkan kritisisme Kant dan idealisme Hegel. Selain itu, pandangan Collingwood pada manusia dan sejarah juga akan disinggung serta re-enactment sebagai pendekatan sejarah akan menjadi porsi utama tulisan ini. Sebagai penutup, akan disajikan pula tujuan dari sejarah menurut Collingwood yakni meraih kebebasan.  Kata-kata kunci: peristiwa, kritisisme Kant, idealisme Hegel, re-enactmentAbstract.Robin George Collingwood is the English philosopher and historian. He tries to separate on how to well understand natural phenomena and historical phenomena. He assumes that both of phenomena have the different character and in searching of the truth leading him to a method how to approach history. He thinks that history could not be understood without re-enacting the thinking of historical personage in a historiography. His thought is absolutely categorized as the historical idealism which is as a result of combination between Kant’s criticism and Hegel’s idealism. In addition, Collingwood’s view on man and history will be explained in this paper and the method of “re-enactment” will be the main concern of this paper. To sum up, it is also described that the main aim of history, based on Collingwood’sview, gains the liberty .Keywords: event, Kant’s criticism, Hegel’s idealism, re-enactmentAbstrak. Robin George Collingwood adalah seorang filsuf dan sejarawan dari Inggris. Dia berupaya untuk memisahkan bagaimana memahami kejadian alam dan historis dengan baik. Dia berasumsi bahwa keduanya memiliki karakter yang berbeda. Proses pencariannya tersebut telah membawanya pada salah satu cara dalam mendekati sejarah. Dia melihat bahwa sejarah tidak akan dapat dipahami tanpa menggambarkan kembali pemikiran-pemikiran pelaku atau seorang tokoh sejarah dalam suatu narasi. Pemikirannya tersebut tentu saja bercorak idealisme historis sebagai hasil akumulasi kecenderungan filsafat di zamannya yang berusaha mengawinkan kritisisme Kant dan idealisme Hegel. Selain itu, pandangan Collingwood pada manusia dan sejarah juga akan disinggung serta re-enactment sebagai pendekatan sejarah akan menjadi porsi utama tulisan ini. Sebagai penutup, akan disajikan pula tujuan dari sejarah menurut Collingwood yakni meraih kebebasan.  Kata-kata kunci: peristiwa, kritisisme Kant, idealisme Hegel, re-enactmentAbstract.Robin George Collingwood is the English philosopher and historian. He tries to separate on how to well understand natural phenomena and historical phenomena. He assumes that both of phenomena have the different character and in searching of the truth leading him to a method how to approach history. He thinks that history could not be understood without re-enacting the thinking of historical personage in a historiography. His thought is absolutely categorized as the historical idealism which is as a result of combination between Kant’s criticism and Hegel’s idealism. In addition, Collingwood’s view on man and history will be explained in this paper and the method of “re-enactment” will be the main concern of this paper. To sum up, it is also described that the main aim of history, based on Collingwood’sview, gains the liberty .Keywords: event, Kant’s criticism, Hegel’s idealism, re-enactmen

    Resureksi perspektif holistik melalui pembelajaran ilmu pengetahuan sosial

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    The teaching of social studies is often realized by the student as a confusing subject. This is common considering the students’ holistic point of view. The holistic view could open the comprehensive perspective or the impartial perspective. If the teaching is run by partial perspective but the students’ way of thinking seems to be holistic; therefore it will be happened a confusing teachers and students in the context of teaching and learning process. This article wants to re-vitalize the holistic view in social studies teaching. Therefore, this article will focus on the implementation of holistic perspective in planning, acting, and evaluating social studies teaching.Keywords: social studies teaching, holistic, resurrection, social scientist http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um022v1i22016p10

    Jean-Jaques Rousseau dalam Demokrasi

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    JJ Rousseau is one of political thinkers. He lives in the advance of science and art. However, he realizes that the progress of science and art declines the moral of society. Democracy, in his view, should be implemented by direct rule without any representation. This is caused by the freedom of every citizens which should be struggled. Everyone has a natural right which could not be seized and be given for others. They make a social contract to shape a nation. A government is developed which is not to limit a power but to ensure the freedom of a power. In addition, he gives an idea on how to build a democratic society. This article is expected to give a moral guidance for politicians


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    People face many injustice practices at present. This will be a national concern. Justice which should be guaranteed by the standing law does not execute as common. Montesquieu concerns on the justice and law. Government should look at a law as an independent power from the executive power. Therefore, law should be fitted with the concrete situation of a nation and should not be following the authority’s will. Montesquieu with his justice spirit inspires the way of revolution. He makes an analogy of king and pope as the liars. They place people as a duping object. He is also claimed as one of philosophers in France. This paper will discuss the meaning of justice and its relation to the spirit of revolution. DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um019v1i22016p07

    Kontrak Sosial Menurut Thomas Hobbes dan John Locke

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    Thomas Hobbes dan John Locke adalah dua pemikir politik Inggris abad 17. Mereka menjadi saksi atas pergolakan politik Inggris mulai dari Revolusi Puritan 1648 dan Revolusi Kejayaan 1688. Banyaknya korban perang dan penindasan membuat mereka berupaya untuk mencari alternatif solusi. Mereka terlihat “berkoalisi” untuk mencapai tujuan yang sama tetapi dengan jalan yang berbeda. Hal ini terjadi karena mereka memiliki asumsi yang berbeda. Jika Hobbes merasa manusia adalah serigala bagi manusia lainnya maka Locke melihat manusia seperti kertas putih tanpa noda. Keadaan perang menuntut Hobbes dan Locke mencari jalan keluarnya. Mereka terlihat  sependapat untuk mengajukan kontrak sosial sebagai jalan perdamaian dimana negara akan menjamin keadilan dan kesejahteraan rakyat. Tulisan ini berupaya untuk  membahas ide mereka dalam konteks sejarah pemikiran.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um021v1i22016p18


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    Abstrak: J.C. van Leur adalah salah satu orientalis yang turut memperkenalkan cara pandang dari dalam. Dia, seperti halnya tradisi Weberian, mencoba melihat modernitas dari kacamata masyarakat setempat. Dia menyanggah pendapat bahwa sejarah Nusantara adalah keberpengaruhan dari masyarakat Barat. Masyarakat Nusantara harus dilihat dari dinamika mereka sendiri. Baik masyarakat Barat maupun Timur telah mengalami modernisasi sekaligus menikmati modernitas pada masa tertentu. Asumsi inilah yang dia pakai untuk melihat perkembangan masyarakat Nusantara. Tulisan ini berupaya membahas kehidupan van Leur, pendekatan weberian dan historiografi Indonesiasentris, perdagangan dan embrio kapitalisme, Hinduisasi Nusantara, Islamisasi Nusantara, dan Oksidentalisme Nusantara.Kata-kata kunci: historiografi modern, kapitalisme, Hinduisasi, Islamisasi, oksidentalismeAbstract: J.C. van Leur is one of orientalists introducing the perspective from within. He, as like as the Weberian tradition, tries to look at the modernity from the surrounded society. He criticizes the argument of “the history of Nusantara is the continuation of the Western”.   The people should be viewed from their dynamics. Either occidental or oriental societies have face the modernization and the modernity in a different time. This assumption leads him to realize the development of Nusantara. This article will discusses the life of J.C. van Leur; the Weberian approach and Indonesia centric point of view; the trade and the substance of capitalism; Hinduization of Nusantara; Islamization of Nusantara; and Occidentalism of NusantaraKeywords: modern historiography, capitalism, Hinduization, Islamization, OccidentalismDOI: dx.doi.org/10.17977/um020v10i12016p02


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    Film mass media was chosen as the most effective medium in conveying messages, because films can be used as learning media through messages that are represented in scenes or story narratives. The lessons that can be taken are in the form of moral messages, or one of them is about the moral messages of scientific ethics contained in Bad Genius. This film discusses the life of students who play with the world of education, with the vulnerabilities that are committed and get an imbalance in the form of money used to meet their needs. The type of research used is qualitative with descriptive research nature. This study uses the semiotic analysis method of Roland Barthes, in this analysis there are three core things that are the focus, namely denotative, connotative, and mythical meanings which are used as a guide to see the depiction of scientific moral messages depicted in each film scene. The data obtained in this study were sourced from the We TV application which broadcasts the Bad Genius film and was combined with books discussing films and scientific moral messages. The results of the study show that the representation of scientific moral messages shown in the Bad Genius film is how science should be used. Such as the obligation to (1) maintain an attitude in making ethical decisions related to etiquette, (2) maintain attitudes in related ethical decisions, and (3) maintain attitudes related to ethical decisions related to law. In this film, I want to highlight the side of how a student who is categorized as a genius must maintain their ethics by combining the values of education in Thailand and the values of education globally which can be used as lessons for the audience of the film Bad Genius. In addition, this film not only has a moral message of scientific ethics, but there are other moral messages related to everyday life.

    Collaborative Governance on Ecotourism: Towards Sustainable Tourism Development

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    This study analyses collaborative governance in sustainable ecotourism development in Magelang Regency, Central Java province. Strengthening the collaboration of the three actors is needed in developing ecotourism because it comprehensively regulates natural destinations responsible for the sustainability of natural life, economic activity, and community welfare simultaneously. To explain further the fundamental phenomena that occur in sustainable development. The goal is to create a new environmental friendly concept while also improving people's welfare, the economy, and peaceful social activities. Data were collected from in-depth interviews and observations. Interviews were conducted with 8 local government staffs, 22 ecotourism managers, and 42 communities around the destination. Then an analysis was carried out with Nvivo12+ to see the collaboration of sustainable Ecotourism governance in Magelang Regency. Three variables become benchmarks in the study: planning, implementation, and utilization. Each was measured by using six indicators. The study results showed significant local communities and businesses/private involvement in managing and developing ecotourism. Meanwhile, the local government actors need to strengthen their involvement and response in ecotourism development. So far, the response has been relatively slow and waiting for the independent development of destinations that the community has carried out. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to strengthen collaboration to ensure effective management of natural resources in ecotourism, which can be achieved through the support and cooperation of local government agencies, businesses/private, and the communities